Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I forgot to tell you...

...about some other random things happening around here.

Olivia cracks us up with her pronunciations. Yesterday, she called the baby "Maddy Cake!" And last night at supper (ziti!), she said she liked "peckaroni." We about died laughing.

I've started reading Little House in the Big Woods to Carli. I was so excited when I looked at them last week and realized that they would be on her level. I thought it would be a few more years. I've been waiting to read those books to her since before she was born! We only read a few pages at a time, but she really listens and asks questions. She thought it was really funny that Laura and Mary ate the pig tail.

First Steps came today to write the goals and plan of service with me. I'm very tickled that it looks like a lady whom I've already met will probably be her therapist. This lady has a child with SB, so I know that she will be awesome. I had asked for either her or another lady from my church, so I'm pleased that I was able to get someone I know. Maddy will have therapy twice a week. I'm happy about that now, but if I get overwhelmed, we can back off. I just want her to have every opportunity to be as mobile and independent as possible.

Ok, I'm done rambling. Hope you all are enjoying the same absolutely beautiful weather we're having!


KATiE said...

I think you are like one of the best mommies, like ever. :)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every couple of weeks. I was glad to see that First Steps has evaluated. You should be able to pick your therapist if they have openings. Good luck. Maddy is a lucky little girl to have such a loving family. Brenda