Olivia has gotten to be so cuddly over the last few weeks. I noticed it a week or so before Christmas, and over Christmas, she really snuggled up with Esther (my sister-in-law and Granny (my mom). Ever since we've come home, she hasn't wanted to go right to bed on her own, but she (finally) enjoys being rocked. Today, I haven't gotten a whole lot done, because she's pretty clingy, but so happy to be on my lap. I LOVE it!
The other day when I was trying to rouse Carli to get up for school, Oliva tried to help me out. "Car-ee, up. Car-ee, UP!!" I think it was the same day when I said, "I'm going to go get Sissy at school, and she turned around and pointed to Carli's picture and said, "Sissy! Car-ee!" I don't remember what the incident was, but also this week, she said "I sorry. I so sorry!" in a really sweet voice, with admittedly fake contrition. This may not seem like much to other mothers of just-turned-two-year-olds, but for Olivia it's great progress. We think she's about six months behind in vocab what Carli was at this age. But the last couple weeks, she's really taken off. Maybe because she was around Brianna who talks up a storm and will repeat anything you tell her to say!
Well, in other big news.....Glen's taking me to Washington, D.C., for my birthday (actually the weekend before in February). He's always wanted to go to go to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference). He didn't realize that I'd love to go along. He has to teach Thursday night, so we'll miss Thurday and Friday, but there's a pass for just Saturday that we'll take advantage of. So that means that we can sightsee on Friday. On Sunday, I think we're going to try to go to St. John's Episcopal Church (nothing like a good dose of high church, eh, Louisa?!). I'm so excited. It seem like a long time since Glen and I have been able to get away alone for more than supper or a night away for a long time. Happy Birthday to me!
Happy Birthday, Olivia!! Pam, I hope to post a picture of all the kids that my mom got at the restaurant the other night. So cute! Landon is actually starting to say more words too....maybe we should be thankful they are slower to talk than the older ones, huh?!! Ethan talked enough to me yesterday that I thought I would go crazy! haha
Welcome to blogspot. I like it so much better than bebo. Congratulations on baby #3, I'm praying that you will have a wonderful and healthy pregnancy.
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